A KwaZulu-Natal pitbull lover has called out for the killing and banning of all black men and the sterilisation of all black women because they give birth to black children who in turn grow up and “they rape, they kill and are worse than any pitbull”.
In a voice note leaked to You FM by one of the people on a whatsapp lobby group called ‘Pit Bulls be my voice’ that is opposed to the banning of pitbulls. The danger of pitbulls have been raised by the recent increase in the number of attacks and there are four known cases of young children who have recently been mauled to death by vicious dogs, outlawed in other countries. Temperatures have been running high on both sides – pitting those for the ban against those who love and are keeping pitbulls – on social media groups but none has come this close in terms of hate speech and racism as the one below…
The woman called Belinda Magor, denies it is her voice on the audio and is part of ‘Pit Bulls be my voice.’ The group advocates for the protection of pit bulls. Asked for comment, the Group’s admin Adrian Grewar said he was horrified by her statement and reported her to the police although he wouldn’t confirm or deny that it is Belinda Magor. “When I immediately heard that comment, I had the lady immediately removed from the group; we have reported her to the police. I am not amused with that comment. We do not agree with any kind of racist comment,” he said.
Grewar said he has been trying to advocate against the Pitbull ban and never thought it was a ‘colour issue.’
“We need to try and deal with animals; we need to get proper control of animals like that; we are not here to fight each other as human beings, and I do not agree with what she said, and I was very annoyed about that statement, and that is why I brought charges against her,” he said.
He said after being removed, the woman privately called him. “She did try to contact me privately about that; she, first of all, came as remorseful but then the next step, she tried to be aggressive about it,” Grewar said.
He said his group wants a suitable resolution and has many successful pit bull owners who can handle the animal. “Our whole aim is to try to stop the ones who are causing a bad name for us and having the uncontrollable animals.…we just want proper legislation for the breed, we want proper control, but at the end of the day, to ban the whole animal because of an incident of one or two people that are negligent while there are more people that are successful in dealing with the breed and knows how to control the animal.
“We are not asking for special favours, we do not need to fight, we do not need to bring animal cruelty, we don’t fight one wrong with another wrong,” he said.
Recently The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) EFF said it will use legislation to ban pit bull ownership in South Africa. “It has become patently clear that pit bulls are not suitable for domestic breeding, especially in conditions that may not be favourable to their existence, such as limited living space. They are an aggressive breed who attacks humans viciously, and this is exhibited by their tendency to attack the human neck, rendering their attacks fatal,” the EFF said. Several pit bulls have been surrendered to the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).