The arrest of an ANC MP, Sibusiso Kula, has stunned residents of Kanana, outside Orkney, in the North West. Kula, 34, was arrested on Monday in connection with the death of his 31-year-old wife Jeniffer Kula who was murdered in their Kanana home last November. National police spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe confirmed the arrest and said Kula was charged with murder.
“The incident happened on November 27 2022 at the home of the suspect in Kanana township,” she said. Kula’s arrest for the murder of his wife has sent shockwaves in Kanana as the township is preparing to bury another woman who was also slain in the same area. About five women, including Kula, have been murdered in Kanana in less than three months.
The latest incident involves a woman whose decomposing body was discovered behind a house four days ago after she was reported missing on 29 December. The woman lived a few houses from the Kula family home. Mohadio Mohapi, a resident who advocates against the killings of women, said the growing number of murders was concerning.
“We are still shocked to hear of Kula’s arrest, and we are even more saddened since tomorrow we will be burying the fifth woman who was brutally murdered on the same street as Kula’s wife,” she added.
Kula will appear at Orkney Magistrates Court on Monday.