While the country celebrates water week, residents of Mabule village in the North West, have been without water for the past two weeks.
The most affected residents in the Ratlou Local Municipality are complaining that lack of water is a health hazard which makes them vulnerable to diseases and they are appealing to the government for help.
Their representative Kebonemodisa Kgwele said it has been two weeks since the community had running water.
“The question here is, how can one live without water? We need water to drink and to bathe. It seems the government has forgotten about our village. They must remember us just like they remember us during election times,” Kgwele said.
However the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality Mayor, Khumalo Molefe, blamed broken borehole pumps for the lack of water in the area and said his government is aware of the problem and it has been solved and that the residents should be having running water by now.
“That problem has since been attended to. The senior technical manager has confirmed to me that the problem is attended to. I’m currently waiting for the councillor to verify that information for me.
“But if what the senior manager has told me is anything to go by. The two boreholes have been fixed and our people must be getting water,” said Molefe.
National Water week is celebrated from March 21-27.