Production has been halted at three of Samancor Western Chrome Mines operations in Rustenburg, North West, as residents protest demanding that the mine employ locals.
The protesters have alleged the mine is operating a business on their land without paying rent nor extending opportunities to them.
Chairperson of an NGO known as Greater Kroondal Business Cluster Clearance Mmolotsi and the leaders of the protest saidSamancor will not be allowed to continue its mining activities until it meets the community’s demands.
“We will shut down this mine’s operations until the management responds to our demands. As locals we will no longer allow deplorable acts by procurement/ ESD and the executives.
“They have failed dismally and not once have they tried to form some alliance to help forge a proper relationship with the community, and at this stage, we are fed up, we’ve had enough,”said Mmolotsi.
In their memorandum submitted to the mine, the community demands access to tailings so they can treat it on their own, sell it back to the mine at an affordable price as a community project.
He has claimed that local companies are excluded whenever there are business opportunities at the mine. The cluster has given the mine 3 days to respond to their demands.
Mine management declined to comment.